

> SACRED VESSELS is comprised of forty nine sparkling paintings on paper which depict imaginary vessels containing potions or powders that offer the promise of wisdom, inner calmness or a joyful and prosperous life. This unique work explores the relationship between art and antiquities. Exhibited amongst the drawings will be objects from the archaeological and historical collections of Rugby and Northampton. Showing the objects and drawings, not only demonstrates Sally's broad inspirations, but the works together raise issues about how outlooks change over time.Learn More...


> FRAGMENTS OF TIME AND THOUGHT Designed as a celebration of the Millennium, Fragments of Time and Thought contained 2000 paintings, one for each year from 1AD to the year 2000. Each piece is an acrylic painting on dense watercolour paper in the same identical format, a rectangle within a rectangle. Each painting differs in colour, texture, detail and form. Every part has a specific year and corresponding name. The names are taken from History, Latin, Religion, Myths and the book "A Thousand and One Nights". Some of the paintings capture major historical events, while others celebrate the past two millennia of human creativity. Each painting captures a small part of the rich culture history created by human existence. The piece was donated to the British Red Cross and was the first exhibition at Liberty’s new art gallery in London.Learn More...